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When is it Time for

Hospice Care?

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Understanding Hospice Eligibility

Determining Qualification for Compassionate Care

​Hospice care is for individuals with a prognosis of six months or less due to a terminal illness. It's about considering individual needs, providing comfort and quality of life, and being there with compassion.

     Hospice care is typically available to individuals with a terminal illness and a life expectancy of six months or less. Eligibility is determined by a healthcare professional, often in consultation with the patient and their family. Common criteria for eligibility include:


  • Prognosis: Life expectancy of six months or less based on the disease, its progression, and treatment response.

  • Terminal Illness: Incurable diseases like cancer, advanced heart or lung conditions, neurodegenerative disorders, or organ failure.

  • Decline in Health: A significant health decline despite treatment, marked by increased pain, hospitalizations, weight loss, infections, or functional decline.

  • Palliative Care Agreement: Willingness to focus on comfort and quality of life instead of curative treatments.


     Eligibility considers the patient's unique circumstances and medical history, not just the diagnosis.

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